News & Events
With our smiles, tears, and much nostalgia from this year, we welcomed in Shabbos for the last time together as part of the Midreshet Moriah family. We davened on Friday night at the local "Igloo" shul and had a delicious meal (thank you Raizy) together. The Shabbos zmirot ...

We can't believe it's the last week! The year has flown by and we're so upset to leave! We've had all our classes for the last time and it has been so bittersweet. On Monday, the Mishkan class took a trip to the Beit Hamikdash Virtual tour and Machon HaMikdash where ...

This Shavuos at Midreshet Moriah was simply amazing! The Midmo family started off with a beautiful davening and dinner in our very own Beit Midrash. Rav Eitan and Abi Smith both gave Divrei Torah connecting Shavuos with our last few days at Midreshet Moriah! We can't believe it's ...
Yom Yerushalayim / Bridal Shower
On Tuesday, we had a unique opportunity to hear many renowned speakers. One of them was Rabbi Lord Dr. Jonathan Sacks who emphasised in his speech the importance of Yom Yerushalayim. This could not have been a more ...
On the second day of our awesome Golan trip there were two options to either do a dry hike or a water hike. We did the water hike and it was so much fun! On the water hike there was a beautiful waterfall and a pond of water underneath in which everyone jumped into. After the hikes we went ...

On Wednesday we awoke at the crack of dawn. The beginning of our 2 day trip to the Golan. The day started with an amazing hike. We learned the history of the 1967 war and went to a stunning lookout over the trenches which were used. Our night activity was fun and ...

This week was filled with many different emotions. Our sadness and heartbreak from Yom Hazikaron was uplifted by the celebration of Israel's 69th birthday. Last Thursday morning, we went to Har Herzl to prepare for the meaningful week that was to come. We were able to hear about ...
We all had an enjoyable Pesach and we are now returning to Midreshet Moriah both excited and rejuvenated and ready to get back to learning and enjoying our last few weeks! This past Monday was Yom Hashoah. A day where we honor and remember the six million Jews who ...

Jerusalem Marathon / Pesach Panel
A lot of girls from Midreshet Moriah ran and we raised money for various organizations. One of the teams for Team Shalva was in memory of Sarah Batya, Bentzi's daughter. Bentzi is the person who makes sure that we are all fed for lunch and dinner almost every day. He gives so much to ...

This week was filled with exciting events, on Sunday morning we went on a “bar” hop. It started off at Bracha’s house in Efrat, which included a potato bar. We each made delicious potatoes and listened to Brachas gramen. Following that, we went to Rav Eitan's ...

Making Cinnamon Rolls / Purim Chagiga at Shalva
This past week started off with cinnamon roll making in Rav Rafi;s night class. It was an amazing way for everyone to bond at the end of a tiring day. And the buns were delicious. On Monday afternoon the Midreshet Moriah girls went to visit Shalva Children's Center ...
Yad Vashem / Color War / Rosh Chodesh
This week was a jam packed week for Midreshet Moriah! We started with Yad vashem on Thursday, which was tearfully moving and inspiring. We learnt about life in pre war Europe, the atrocities of the Holocaust, and how to appreciate the God given state of Israel. Sunday morning ...
After learning in detail about the Lechem HaPanim, the bread used and eaten in the Mishkan, we decided to take upon ourselves the task of making it. We first studied an article by Professor Amar Zohar who spent endless hours perfecting the recipe. We then spent the next class ...
This past week we had a Yom Iyun about Shabbos. We had a guest speaker, Sara Machlis, who inspired us all with her amazing story about her mother, Rebbetzin Machlis Z"TL. Rebbetzin Machlis would always have guests for Shabbos from 50-150 people per week at her home. No matter what ...

Massada Shabbaton / Tu Bishvat
What a great week we've had! We ended the week with an unforgettable Shabbaton at Massada. Our incredible tour guide Eitan Rund brought the tragic story to life and helped us to appreciate the historic importance of the site. Following a delicious dinner, Sepha ran a fun ...

This past week was another great week at Midreshet Moriah. The Beis was full as usual, and interesting and inspiring classes took place. We were finally able to settle into our second semester classes, which are amazing. This past Thursday night was a special Mishmar titled ...
What an eventful week it's been here once again at Midreshet Moriah! We were so excited to welcome back Sepha who we missed so much during her maternity leave first semester! Tuesday we took a trip to the Shomron. First we visited the Samaritan community and learned about their ...

Another great week at Midreshet Moriah! This was the second week of the second semester and the new classes are incredible. We are in the middle of trying out so many new and exciting classes and slowly putting together our daily schedules. A few noteworthy events occurred this week that we ...

Spring is here at Midreshet Moriah!
This was our first week of the new semester at Midreshet Moriah. Although we are all very sad without Shana bet here with us, it’s been great greeting all the Midmo alumnae who came to visit and learn with us during their winter break. Meanwhile, we are all having a blast trying out our ...

This week at Midreshet Moriah we had the Shana bet preida to wish them goodbye after an amazing five months. Bracha, Rav Eitan and Rav Jason spoke about each individual girl and the impact they've had on Midreshet during their time here. The girls gave beautiful speeches while we cried at ...

Our deepest condolences to Vicky Berglas on the passing of her mother Rebbetzin Ruth Schonfeld a"h. The levaya took place onday January 9th, 12:30pm at Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills Shiva will take place at the Schonfeld home, 70-41 153rd Street through Sunday ...
Last Wednesday we went to the airport on Chanukah to greet a Nefesh b’ Nefesh flight!! In the spirit of these amazing individuals and families making aliyah we all dressed up in blue and white, made posters, and danced as they made their way into Israel as citizens for the first time. ...
Last Thursday we had a Chessed day. It started off with a panel of three ladies that spoke about their interesting Chessed organizations. Rachel Nadel spoke about her founding of Anywhere in Israel which sets up Jews in Israel with a place to stay for Shabbat anywhere in Israel. Miriam Ballin ...
Wow! What a week it’s been here at Midreshet Moriah. This week, much like every other, we had a blast! A fantastic opportunity that took place this week was the remarkable Mishmar, which featured an alumna from Midreshet Moriah, Allie Mayer. While the students enjoyed some ...
This week was another exciting week, which started off with our amazing Yom Iyun, on Bein Adam L’Atzmo-our relationship with ourselves. Our madricha, Channy and teachers Neima, Malka and Rav Jason all spoke about getting to know ourselves and feeling comfortable with who we are. Channy ...

Surrounding Ourselves with Good
Who's ready for another exciting shabbos?!?! First let's fill everyone in on our week’s events starting with the amazing Shana Bet shabbaton in the old city with Rav Jason. Friday night an inspiring kabbalat Shabbat took place at Yeshivat Hakotel. The following day the fun ...
This week at Midreshet Moriah was full of fun activities and opportunities! All of us at Midreshet Moriah are extremely excited to welcome back all three representatives who were all over the globe recruiting girls for Midreshet Moriah class of 5778. Although we missed them, we had the ...
What a week it’s been at Midreshet Moriah! Last Wednesday night we had an incredible opportunity to meet a Jewish Yeminite woman. She told us how at the age of two her family left Yemen on foot, heading towards the land of Israel. She brought in authentic Yemenite wedding garbs for us ...
Last Thursday night we baked challah in honor of the Shabbos Project. The Shabbos Project is a global, grassroots movement that brings Jews from all over the world together around our shared heritage of Shabbat. During dinner, we prepared the dough and as it was rising we attended our night ...
Midreshet Moriah Communicates!
The second week back at Midreshet Moriah was filled with excitement. Everyone was eager to continue learning in their classes, as well as strengthening their bonds with the girls and teachers around them. We started off the week on Monday with Dean Marian Stoltz-Loike, Dean of ...

This week we started our first full week of learning after our Sukkot break! It was nice to see everyone and get back to routine. After changing our prayers from îåøéã äèì to îùéá äøåç åîåøéã äâùí, we saw the power of our prayers when we witnessed the first rain of the season and on Rosh ...
After celebrating Sukkot for almost two weeks now, it’s great to be back in classes at Midreshet Moriah. Over Chol hamo’ed Shana bet was invited to Rav Lerner’s Sukkah and we heard a Dvar Torah from Rav Wenglin. Rav Lerner then met some of the girls in Mea She’arim ...
Slichot, Kapparot, Teshuva, Oh My!
This past Thursday night we had an unbelievable Mishmar by Rav Dovid'l Weinberg. He spoke about the teshuva process and how our growth and repentance have to come from within ourselves. We learned that we need to look for the good in each of us and not focus on our negative ...

Hoshana Rabbah at Midreshet Moriah - You're invited!
Dear Friends, We are excited to invite you to visit Midreshet Moriah's newly renovated home on Hoshanah Rabbah, Sunday, October 23rd,at 11:30am. A special program is planned, including a tour of our premises and light refreshments in our ...
Incredible, Unimaginable, Unforgettable Journey
On Thursday, our third day of Lech Lecha, we experienced the theme of ben adam la’makom through various different activities. We started our morning with an early wake up and sunrise hike on Mount Tzfachot. There, we had the unique opportunity to look out and watch the sun rise over ...

This past Shabbos, Shana Bet was taken on a beautiful and fun Shabbaton to Kochav Hashachar. With the help of the Anywhere in Israel founders, Rachel & Avi Nadel, we were each set up by different families and got to really experience the yeshuv life. On Friday night, some of the ...

It’s a double header this week as Shana bet went up north and Shana Alef began their Lech Lecha Journey. Shana bet had a really awesome time as Rav Jason and Ruthie took us all the way to Teveria and the Golan! How lucky are we!? First stop was Kaser alel Yehud. We literally got to put ...
Last Thursday night we ended off our first full week of learning with an awesome mishmar by Rav Rafi about teshuvah-- it's not so hard! It was Rav Rafi's birthday and he made us a cake so we could all celebrate together! Some girls also went to the Machlis's to help them cook and ...
Last week ended off with an AMAZING Shabbos in Midreshet! We began with Kabbalat Shabbat in the school and then dinner in the Beis where we were all assigned random seats so that we could branch out and get to know each other better. At dinner, we heard beautiful divrei Torah from Rav ...
This week was a very exciting week! Shana bet arrived on Monday and we had our first tiyul on Tuesday to Ir David with our great rakaz, Rav Jason and our madricha Sara Nimchimsky (we’re so excited you’re with us again this year!)! We explored the ancient caves ...
Thursday morning was our last morning of learning and in the afternoon we boarded busses once again, this time to end the year in the same place we started, the Kotel. After hearing an inspirational speech by Sepha about our year as a whole and davening mincha, we headed to Rav Eitan's ...

We are so sad this week was the last week of classes here at Midreshet but are so thankful for the amazing, inspiring and life changing year we had here. Last Wednesday was Unity day in memory of Gilad, Ayal and Nafatli, the three boys murdered two summers ago in Israel. When it was ...

Hi Midreshet family! Last week we got to experience Lag Ba’omer in Israel. On erev Lag B'omer, during the day, we learnt all about what we are celebrating and at night we had fun activities. Some girls went to Meron and had quite the memorable experience. The rest of us gathered at ...
Go North! Last week, Midreshet Moriah went on an amazing trip up north. Though the heat was sometimes intense, we were all well prepared and had a great time! We were looking forward to the first hike that was planned but due to the heat wave we went ice skating instead. We had an ...
Midreshet Commemorates and Celebrates!
Hi Midreshet Family! Last Tuesday night we had the privilege to be part of Masa's Yom Hazikaron assembly where they honored the memory of victims of terror and brave soldiers from abroad. On Wednesday morning we gathered in the Beis where Debbie Shochat from ...
This is an exceptionally special time of year to be in Israel. Yom haShoah began with learning from a source sheet about the halachic questions people asked their Rabbis during the Shoah in ghettos and camps. It's mind blowing to see that people cared so passionately about Halacha while ...
During the Pesach break, fifty of our own Midreshet girls went to Poland with Heritage. With Michal as our historian and also accompanied by Malka, Dr. Maresky and Eli, our madricha, we truly had an all-star staff. After visiting many different towns and cities, shuls, cemeteries, and ...

This past week was our second to last week of classes before we break for Pesach. To prepare us for the upcoming holiday the school organized both a Pesach Panel and a Mock Seder. At our Pesach Panel we had four teachers who spoke about certain halachot and minhagim that will take place on ...
We started off our purim celebrations with a 'bar hop' throughout the Gush. We headed to Bracha's house in Efrat, where we were served a delicious potato and salad bar. We continued on to Rav Eitan's house in Neve Daniel, where we heard a lovely d'var torah. Soon after ...
This week was an exciting countdown until Purim!!! We got into the spirt of Adar by dressing up in different creative themes each day; workout day, pajama day, animals, frummy day and so on….. All of the girls got very into their costumes and had lots of fun. Walking through the ...
This past week has been very eventful! It started off Thursday morning, Rosh chodesh Adar bet, with many girls going to the Kotel for Vatikin. Everyone got dressed up and it was the perfect way to begin the new month. When we got back to school, we were surprised with an ...
This past Shabbat, Midreshet Moriah made their way to the Gush. It was a beautiful Shabbat where we had the pleasure of hearing words of Torah from faculty and students, sing together, and most importantly take away the important message of "choices", the theme of the Shabbaton. We ...

Color war was a blast! We had a jam packed day filled with many projects and activities. We spent the morning at gan sacher competing in various sports and races. We even got ices as a surprise treat! The afternoon activities were ‘minute to win it’, games, and an intense chidon ...
This week in Midmo news...Last Thursday we went to Yad Vashem. The experience was both an emotional and educational one. We were split up into three groups, each with a different tour guide for a more individualized and personal experience. As we were guided through the exhibition, our guides ...
This week at Midreshet! Smadar Rosensweig, a beloved teacher from Stern College came to speak at Shiur klali. She spoke about the common misconception that whatever happened in Sefer Berieshet created a set destiny for each shevet. She disproved this statement by showing us how shevet ...
We kicked this week off with an awesome trip to Chevron! On this tiyul we visited Me’arat Ha’machpela, where we davened mincha at the tziyon hakever of our avot and i’mahot. After that, we went to Beit Hadassah, where we toured the museum and watched a film about the ...
Second semester’s in full swing and we're back and better than ever! As a break from all our hard work, on Wednesday night, our fantastic madrichot organized our very own Midreshet spa night. The night consisted of manicures, facials, massages and the classroom was ...
Midreshet Sings and Celebrates!
This week was a fun filled week at Midreshet! Kicking off the week we had the seminary wide singing completion to benefit the Kedma organization. We had a great time watching our friends from Midreshet and various other seminaries singing on stage. Even though the Midreshet choir ...

We started the week after an inspiring shabbat spent in the Old city. On Friday night we davened at the Kotel and got the opportunity to hear about the army from our teacher, Rav Yonaton. On shabbat morning, everyone chose which shul they wanted to daven in and afterwards we all went ...
Alumnae reunion, Intersession and more!
This past week at Midreshet was short yet exciting just the same. On Sunday and Monday we finished or first semester classes and at 1:30 pm on Monday, second semester classes opened for registration! Midreshet was filled with excitement and everyone was thrilled to be signing ...

This was a really exciting week at Midreshet Moriah. The week began with a visit from Rav Meir Goldwicht from YU. It was really inspiring to hear from such a great Rav. He gave a shuir on kibud av va'eim and taught us so much on the topic. He inspired us to work on this midda even ...
This was an exciting week at Midreshet Moriah. The week began with a visit from Alex Claire, an artist who is most-well known for his Microsoft commercial hit, "Too Close". He told his inspirational story of how he ended up as a frum Jew learning Torah in Israel, while still being a ...

We started off the week learning about Asara b’Tevet throughout the daily classes. On Monday night Shana bet threw an incredible concert fundraising event for the organization SHEKEL. SHEKEL is a group home for individuals with special needs. The home allows the members to ...
This past week at Midreshet Moriah was full of Chanukah excitement. Immediately after class on Thursday we felt the festivity in the air as everyone prepared for our 60’s themed chagiga. As soon as we arrived we indulged in a delicious pasta bar dinner. Quickly after that, we ...

Last Thursday night we had a special activity in the dorm. After class we made our own Chanukah Menorah’s. There was music and we all hung out singing together, getting ready for Chanukah - It was great fun! On Sunday night, the first night of Chanukkah, we had a ...
This past Thursday was one of the most inspiring nights of our lives. Thousands of people from all over Israel gathered to celebrate the wedding of Sara Tehiya Litman and Ariel Beigel. Sara’s father and brother were killed days before her wedding. Instead of having a small ...
Henna, Hiking and Life Lessons
On Wednesday night, we had an exciting activity! We learned about the Yemenite culture with a Yemenite woman named Yehudit. She danced and sang for us and we had a mock Yemenite wedding which involved many interesting traditions. Later that evening, we all got hennas and she explained the ...
This Shabbat was a very exciting Shabbat at Midreshet Moriah!! We got to spend the weekend at our amazing rakazot houses. Throughout the year our rakazot have helped us with our big transition and have become such a core part of our experience at Midreshet. This Shabbos we got to see them in ...
This past week two exciting events occurred. First, on Thursday, we had our Yom Iyun on Interpersonal Relationships. Our main speaker was a therapist who discussed the five languages of love and how to get the most out of relationships using them. Several teachers followed talking about ...

Hey Midreshet family! We have all been busy learning and giving back to the community this past week. First, we had an awesome mishmar Thursday night with Rav Aaron Wexler who spoke about how to make the most out of our year. He advised us not to just continuously go to the ...
After the awaited lech lecha trip, we have finally started to get back into the groove of learning with new found respect for one another. We've come back to school with more motivation in our learning and a new appreciation for the land. Now that we have gotten back into our routine, ...
Imagine yourself waking up at four in the morning and being told you were going on a two hour hike. It was still dark and the stars were still shining. The task seemed daunting, but once again we were pushing ourselves to the limit. We climbed our way up Har Tzfachot continuing to doubt ...

Lech Lecha -The Journey Begins
This week began with a buzz of excitement as we prepared for our five day tiyul, Lech lecha, a trip we heard so much about that exceeded our expectations by far. We scrambled out of bed at two in the morning just in time to arrive at the Negev desert to daven shacharit at sunrise. We then ...

Hi Midreshet family. These past few weeks have been a whirlwind of excitement. To kick off Sukkot, the school surprised us with a trip to the beach. At the beach we got a chance to bond with each other and have fun together. Sukkot in Eretz Yisrael has been educational, eventful, ...

Midreshet Moriah mourns the passing of Harav Dr. Reuven Aberman z"l. Devoted teacher to generations of women, Man of Halacha, wisdom, and compassion. Rabbi Meyer and Vicky Berglas, Faculty, Staff and Alumnae Our Condolences to the family May Hashem comfort you along with ...

What an eventful week! As we got ready for Yom Kippur, we had quite a few events to helps us prepare for the upcoming day. Last Thursday night we went to a thought inspiring Siyur Slichot which helped everyone think about what they want for their year in Israel. We saw thousands of people ...
This was a short week in Midreshet. Our Madrichot Sara and Tzipporah took girls to selichot at the Kotel which was very inspiring and really set the mood for Rosh Hashanah. Many girls stayed in for Shabbos and it was a relaxing atmosphere where we were able to continue bonding, making new ...
This week was a fun and busy week! We’re enjoying the new routine of our classes and still making some changes as we fine tune our schedules. On Saturday night the Shana Bet girls took a nice trek to Gruss for some late night slichot. It was a great way to start off our ...
It's been another exciting week at Midreshet Moriah. Classes have started and the building is full with words of Torah once again. Last week the girls arrived and started off the year with an informative orientation and inspirational trip to Kever Rachel followed by a fun bonding bbq at ...
5776 is here! Their arrival has been so exciting. Girls have been slowly arriving and yesterday afternoon Bracha and our Madrichot welcomed the group flight at the airport. A special thank you goes to Emma Decter and Jessica Pinter (’14-15) for giving them a great sendoff back in NY. ...
Our last shabbos at Midmo was one for the books. Every shabbos led up to this one, even though throughout the year we tried not to acknowledge the fact that there will be a last shabbos at all. It was filled with laughs and tears and the little butterflies filling up our stomachs as we ...
It's been a roller coaster of emotions here during our last week at Midmo! The classes have been wrapping up and girls are beginning to pack. The year has really flew by! It’s bittersweet to leave our home away from home here at Midmo – sad to say goodbye but looking ...

It's the two week countdown and although we are all dreading the end, we have certainly been making the most of every second! Over Shavuos, we had the option to give a shiur to our classmates. Right after Pesach we were paired with a faculty member to receive guidance on how to ...

It was another packed week in Midreshet. On Thursday we continued our tiyul in the North with a choice of one of two hikes- Nachal Yehudia or Nachal Zavitan. Although some girls got caught in the rain, we all had fun on our respective water hikes. Before returning to school, we ...

It was the usual fun week at Midreshet but with a spin! We’ve gone up north to the Golan for a two day tiyul! We left bright and early and started off the trip hiking from Meron to Tzfat. It was a long but beautiful and uplifting hike. After we stopped for lunch and some hangout ...

Hey Midreshet family! We had another amazing week here at Midreshet Moriah. As the year is coming to an end, we all really are trying to take full advantage of our last full weeks of learning. The classes this week were super inspirational! We just could not get enough! We cannot ...
This past week at Midreshet Moriah was filled with tons of excitement and hype. Last Wednesday, we observed Yom Hazikaron and Yom Haaztmaut together as a nation. Blue and white covered the city of Jerusalem and Israeli flags hung everywhere. Tuesday night, we attended a Yom Hazikaron ...
This week was a ‘happening’ week at Midreshet. To start off we had an amazing Shabbaton in Efrat where we stayed at families, teachers and friends. Shabbat b'yishuv was centered around Zionism and we heard from different women in the community all about their choices to make ...

Welcome back!! Hope everyone's Pesach was just as amazing as ours. Most people are back or on their way back from Chutz La’aretz but we had the pleasure of staying in Eretz Yisrael for Pesach! We were fortunate to spend the last week and a half with our families doing fun activities ...
It's been very quiet this past week in the halls of Midreshet Moriah. Many girls have already returned home to their families for the Chag and over thirty girls have gone to Poland with Heritage for an emotional journey to the past with our Director, Vicky Berglas and faculty/staff ...
It's been an exciting and successful seven months here at Midreshet Moriah. Now is the time when we say "see you soon" to our teachers and new friends as we leave for the Pesach break. We are so excited to go back home, yet so sad to leave. We can't wait to come back ...
Mishe Nichnas Adar Marbim Besimcha! That's all we heard this past week throughout the halls of Midreshet Moriah. Finally, on Purim day, we really got into the spirit with a "bar hop" in the Gush. All the students, led by our wonderful madrichot, joined together and traveled to ...
This week has been filled with Adar shenanigans at every corner, even...Rav Eitans office! That's right. We pranked the faculty and staff with a "Would you Rather" theme. The walls were plastered with intriguing and philosophical ‘would you rather questions’ ...
It’s been another week of Adar fun! As part of marbim b’simcha, we’ve decided to dress up every day. We started off the month with Topsy Turvy day in honor of v’nahafochu. Haman’s goal was to kill and eliminate the Jewish nation but in the end it was Haman and ...
What an exciting week we had here at Midreshet Moriah! Last Thursday, we went to Yad Vashem and were led by three wonderful tour guides. Under their careful and knowledgeable guidance, we really felt as though we were transported back to the Shoah alongside our brothers and sisters, ...

Hey Midreshet family! We had yet another amazing week here at Midreshet. We kick started our week with an amazing Tu b’Shvat seder. The entire seminary came together in the Beis to learn about Tu b’Shvat and celebrate it in a new way. We were very privileged to have our very own ...
It's been a very exciting week at Midreshet! On Sunday, we began our week with a tiyul to Nachal Og with our beloved tour guide Brian Shapiro, whom we had the privilege of learning from during our Lech Lecha trip back in October. Baruch HaShem we were fortunate to have such beautiful ...
This past Shabbat was very exciting considering it was the first Shabbaton at the Midrasha with faculty, since the first Shabbat of the year. We spent Shabbat with Sepha Sheinbein, Rav Ron, his wife and his three daughters. Friday night we all davened together and welcomed Shabbat in with a ...
It's been another exciting week at Midreshet! Last Motzei Shabbat was the annual Yeshiva University Kedma Choir Competition. Sixteen seminaries including Midreshet participated in the much anticipated event which included singing, dancing, and even rapping! Even though we didn't place ...

Brrr, it's getting cold! Last week Midreshet had intersession as a great way to get recharged for second semester. It was a ‘chilly’ snow week with a surprise snow day on Thursday. Many girls stayed in the dorms for the "snowbaton", great company, food and ...

This week, as we said an emotional goodbye to Shana bet and an amazing first semester, we registered for the second semester with the continuation of our favorite classes and new choices! We have the opportunity now to try out fantastic new classes in order for everyone to re-energize ...
In this week's parsha, Vayechi, Yaakov blesses his son’s before he passes away. Three sons in particular get rebuked of their past actions. Reuven gets rebuked for switching his father's bed after Rachel's death and because of this his melucha gets taken away from him and ...
In Israel, especially within the city of Jerusalem, the signs that the holiday of Chanukah is approaching are clear. Colorful lights are put up, huge Chanukiyot are placed strategically around the city, assuring that no one is left untouched by this 8 day holiday of lights. Chocolate coins ...

We started preparing for Chanukah last Wednesday by making our very own chanukiyot (menorah’s). It was really exciting getting into the spirit of the upcoming chag and fun to see how everyone’s chanukiya was creative and unique. On the first night of Chanukah we all gathered ...
On Sunday, Midreshet Moriah set out on an incredible adventure to Masada. We took a small detour and found ourselves in a park overlooking the city of Yericho where our amazing tour guide Eitan pumped us up for the incredible adventure we were about to embark on. As the bus pulled up to the ...
Welcome back Midmo family! On Thursday while many of you were at home eating turkey and enjoying your time off, we decided to get together and make our own Thanksgiving feast. Headed by a few volunteers, (which we'd like to thank once again for all of your effort) we all came ...
Hi Midreshet family! It's been such an exciting week at Midreshet Moriah! This past shabbos twenty two girls including a few friends and two Madrichot stayed in school. It was a lovely shabbos filled with lots of singing and bonding. We’re looking forward to spending this ...
Hi Midreshet Family! It's been an eventful week at Midreshet Moriah. After spending a long week learning together, we all went to our hosts to spend a beautiful uplifting Shabbat. On Sunday we were privileged to attend a Yom Iyun (day full of learning) about Chessed. We started off ...
Another wonderful week at Midreshet Moriah! School is in full swing and we are acclimating nicely to our classes and schedules. At this past Thursday night's Mishmar, Rav Dovid'l Weinberg made his monthly appearance. He taught us that Cheshvan, a month devoid of chagim, is ...
Hello! As the buses pulled up back at Midreshet a new sense of unity was palpable to all. The Lech Lecha tiyul has left its mark on us. Towards the end of our trip on Thursday, we woke up at 4am for a beautiful sunrise hike up Har Tzofchot, and took a journey through the Bar Kochva ...

Hi Midreshet family! This week Midreshet is on our annual Lech-Lecha tiyul. We left late Monday night (2am in the morning actually!) and travelled down to the Negev. We arrived just in time to see the sun rise. After a long but amazing hike on Tuesday in the Negev, we arrived at the camp site ...
After a long and relaxing Succot vacation, it's really great to be back at Midmo! These past two weeks were jam-packed -- from exciting trips to preparation for the upcoming ‘Lech-Lecha' tiyul, and all the classes we love in between. During Chol hamoed, our unbelievably ...

Yet another week has flown past at Midreshet Moriah. After being here for about a month, everyone is finally settling in, construction is coming to a finish and we have all successfully put together our schedules for the semester. Thursday morning, while some of us simply rolled out of ...
Shana Tova Midreshet Moriah! After a fantastic three day yom tov we all came back to the dorms Motzei Shabbat excited to jump back into classes. Sunday night after classes was movie night in the dorm. Girls gathered in room five to watch “Freedom Writers” and ...
It’s been too short a week in Midreshet! On Thursday we had another book sale from Pommeranz books. Lots of girls bought Machzorim for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur and books which they look forward to reading and be inspired from. On Friday, Shana bet had a tiyul to ...
Midreshet Lends a Helping Hand
It was another great week at Midreshet Moriah. We've all settled in nicely and have started to get into the swing of things. We kicked off the week on Monday with a book sale to get prepared for all our amazing classes. We’re still trying out different classes and our schedules are ...

What an exciting and jam packed week here we had at Midreshet! We started off the week with an incredible Shabbat babayit! All of the Midreshet students, along with some of our amazing faculty and their families: Rav Eitan Mayer, Bracha Krohn, Leora Bednarsh, Shelby Binstock, Sepha Sheinbein, ...

They're Here! Welcome Midreshet 5775!
It’s been a hectic week at Midreshet setting up the new building for the arrival of the new class of 5775. With lots to do only a few days, everyone pitched in to help; staff, madrichot and of course we shana bet’ers worked round the clock to make sure our new home would be ready. ...
After ten months together in Midreshet, it has finally come the time for us to say goodbye. We reluctantly had our last Shabbat together and our last shiurim this past Sunday morning. Shabbat was beautiful and although it was our last in Midreshet, we were all so lucky to spend it ...

It’s been another great week at Midreshet Moriah! This week’s Mishmar featured Rabbi Moshe Lichtman, who spoke to us about the importance of living in Israel. Afterwards, we had an opportunity to buy his books. Being in Israel for Shavuot was an unbelievable experience! ...

It has been another great week at Midreshet Moriah! This past Sunday night we had a fun activity in the dorm with our fantastic Madrichot. We baked cookies and projected the movie Space Jam on the common room wall. We’re going to miss them so much when we leave. On ...
It’s been another amazing week at Midreshet Moriah. After returning home Thursday night from our two-day tiyul up North, we were all so tired from having too much fun. Thursday morning, we were given the option of two hikes in Nachal Zavitan: a four-hour hike or a six-hour hike. Those ...

MIDRESHET IS MOVING! Ever since we opened our doors in 1987, Midreshet Moriah has called the same place home: the campus of Shaare Zedek Medical Center. Our central location, with chesed right next door and our unique dorm-on-one-floor, has served twenty-eight years of young ...

It's been an amazing week here at Midreshet Moriah! We started off strongly with our usual unbelievable classes and are now ending with an incredible tiyul. On Tuesday, Rabbi Weil, the head Rabbi of the OU, spoke to us about the amazing opportunity of becoming an NCSY advisor ...

This past Shabbat we had the famous Midreshet Shabbat Yishuv. We spent the Shabbat at Neve Daniel and learned from many diverse voices what it means to be a religious Zionist and why it is in the very essence of Judaism to make Aliyah and live in the Land of Israel. Thanks to all the Neve ...
It's so great to be back in Midreshet! After a month long vacation, everyone has come back full of excitement and enthusiasm to learn. To start off Pesach vacation, 29 girls embarked on a life changing, week-long trip to Poland, led by our very own Vicky Berglas. We were also ...
This past week was filled with fun events. We started off Wednesday with a model Seder. We all went down to the chadar ochel where our amazing madrichot set up a fun filled Seder night: Teachers went over the beginning steps of the seder with creative dippings and karpas. We then ...
We honestly can't believe that it's almost the last Midreshet newsletter before Pesach vacation! This year is flying. This past week was full of Pesach preparations. On Thursday we had a Pesach panel where we were able to ask any and all of or Pesach FAQ's. Bracha ...
Wow! What an exciting week we had here at Midreshet! For the first time in our, and most of our fellow classmates lives, we had the amazing opportunity to celebrate Purim in Israel! Thursday night after the fast, we prepared hamentaschen in our brand new kitchen with our Madrichot. ...
It's a plane, It's a bird, It's Midreshet's Super-Hero's!
We had a really inspirational Mishmar last Thursday with Sally Mayer. She spoke about her experience of having of a very premature miracle baby. I think we speak for everyone when we say how much we appreciate the miracle of birth now and how a person's chessed, however small it may seem, ...
After a full week of learning, we found ourselves last Friday morning at 10:30am on our towards Beit She'an (Cleveland's sister city!!). We started the day at Ein Muda with a lovely picnic, a beautiful view and delicious falafel. We then headed to Ma'ayan Charud and prepared for ...

It's all about Shabbat and food this week….Last Wednesday night's Beit Midrash period was different this time. Our madrichot split us up into four groups with Rav Lerner, Rav Eitan, Malka and Michal. As we rotated between groups, we learned with our teachers their ...

Last Thursday, we were privileged to get a visit from the Kalover Rebbe. He gave us an inspiring Dvar Torah about Purim and reminded us all how lucky we are to be learning in Israel for a year. After he spoke, each girl was able to get a personal Bracha from the Rebbe. That night, the ...
Although the week started off on a more quiet note, a few exciting events took place. On Monday, chatter filled the air as the first meeting about Shana bet was held in classroom one. Everyone was interested in what the teacher's; the "panel" had to say. Delicious homemade ...
We started off this week with a thrilling tiyul in Nachal Og. While the hike started off as nothing more than a nature walk, we were all greeted by a wonderful surprise of three ladders. We all climbed down one by one holding on tightly, but having a great time. It was a true bonding ...
Although this week in Midreshet was a bit quieter than others, we still managed to make it special! On Tuesday, those of us participating in the Beit Midrash learning program with Midreshet Darkaynu headed up to Har Herzl. By cleaning up fallen branches, we made the cemetery a more ...
We had another exciting week at Midreshet! Last Thursday, on Tu' B'shvat, we joined the JNF and planted trees in the Ben Shemen forest. After we planted the trees, Bracha spoke to us about the special tefilah that is said on Tu b'shvat. When we plant, it is for the future just as ...

Happy Tu B'Shvat! This past Tuesday, we had the incredible opportunity to go hear Rabbi Katz and Rabbi Wallerstein speak. They both individually talked about the idea of Tu b'Shvat, and discussed the importance behind the holiday. Rabbi Katz and Rabbi Wallerstein, enlightened us with ...
This past week at Midreshet, we welcomed in the new semester, and said our goodbyes to our beloved Shanna Bet. We began the final week of our fall semester with an incredibly moving and emotional Mishmar, given by our very own Michal. Her beautiful words were shared in the ...
This week in Midreshet Moriah was really an exceptional one! It was an extremely studious week at Midreshet Moriah. Due to the snow days, it's crunch time for all of our teachers. The first semester is winding to a close and we're trying to complete all the subjects on our ...
As usual, this week was packed with activities and trips galore. Last Thursday, we had the amazing opportunity to hear from people who devote themselves to chessed on a daily basis. The day started with a piece by the Netivot Shalom that highlighted important ideas about chessed. Later, there ...

Midreshet Braves the Snow Storm!
The snow that began on Thursday continued to fall and on Friday we found ourselves with no public transportation. Lucky for us, our amazing Madrichot, Zippy, Katie and Miriam and our teacher Aliza were with us in the dorms so we decided to trek through the snow to the Supermarket across the ...
As the end of Chanukah was approaching and we all spilt ways, we got the chance to experience Chanukah in Israel to its fullest. Some girls took the opportunity to explore Israel's through its museums, tourist attractions and enjoyed the many different types of gourmet sufaganiyot ...
We all spent this past Shabbat together in Midreshet Moriah with Bracha Krohn, her husband Rav Adi, Rav Zvi Ron and his family and Shelby Binstock , her husband Chaim Tzvi (and of course baby Ayala). We started off by lighting our Chanukiyot and Shabbat candles and then we all went to ...

Midreshet started out the week preparing for Chanukah in the dorms with a Chanukiyah making activity and sufganiah (donut) party. Each girl was given a base for her Menorah, mosaic pieces for decoration, and small metal bolts to use as candle holders. We all ate delicious jelly-filled donuts ...
This week, on Sunday, we all had a blast on our Masada hike/Moonlight tiyul! We were excited to see the familiar face of one of our Lech Lecha madrichim, Eytan, as our madrich again. As well as thrilled at the return of Rav Eitan who has been away for recruiting! We began at the bottom ...
This past Shabbat we went to the homes of our Rakazot Rina and Lauren in Ramat Eshkol. Friday night we all ate at Rina and Lauren's homes. The food was delicious (as expected) and we heard beautiful Divrei Torah. After the meal we heard a speech by Mrs. Jen Cutler and then all ...
This week, on Sunday, we went on Midreshet's Tanach Tiyul. First we visited the very place that our hero, David HaMelech, defeated the mighty Goliath. Not only did we read the story while looking over the valley where this story took place, we also watched an amazing reenactment of the ...

It has been yet another amazing week at Midreshet Moriah! It feels great to get back into routine and have a week of full day learning after our fantastic/exhausting “Lech Lecha tiyul. Still, the fun continued as our wonderful madrichot arranged for us to have a zumba class in the ...
Thanks to an early curfew in Eilat the night before, we all woke up at 5 am on Thursday morning to climb Har Tzefachot, our final hike. Climbing the mountain was worth it because of the gorgeous view and sunrise. We made it up just in time to see the sunrise over Jordan and daven. The ...

We had quite an adventurous week on our Lech Lecha tiyul! Sunday and Monday everyone was running around getting last minute things for the trip. Finally, Tuesday morning at 3:00am, we headed off on our long anticipated journey. We started the tiyul with an ...

Wow! Another week at Midreshet flew by! As always, the week was full of excitement. We started off the week in great spirits having just spent Shabbos at different teachers from Midreshet. All the girls were split up into groups and went to faculty members from all over. We got to ...

It's so great to get right back into all-day learning after Sukkot break, where we really got to experience Israel and bond with each other. Although we were all in different places over chag, many girls still got together over Chol Hamoed. Seven shana alef girls went on a tiyul to ...
It was another incredible week at Midreshet Moriah! We spent the whole week preparing for Yom Kippur with inspiring shiurim that we will keep with us for many years to come! Our fantastic teachers prepared us with great insights that allowed us to concentrate on our tefillot and really make ...
Beginning the New Year with Chessed
Shana tova to everyone! We had an amazing start to the New Year here at Midreshet Moriah. Shana Alef began their year dispersed around Eretz Hakodesh staying by family, friends and teachers. Shana bet took on Alon Shvut at our teacher and coordinator, Leora Bednarsh. The davening was ...

This past week has been quite a busy one here at Midreshet! We're enjoying the new routine of our classes and still making some changes as we fine tune our schedules. On Wednesday afternoon, while the Shana Alef girls headed to the beach to get to know each other outside of ...
Class of 5774 invites parents to Winter Experience!
Get Ready for Midreshet's Winter Experience! Click on the flyer for more details....

Last Thursday was registration day. We all gathered in the Beit Midrash and had a tutorial from Rav Eitan for registering online for our courses. Of course, since then we've tried out other courses as well – so hard to choose, but we're getting there! Friday was spent ...
Welcome Midreshet 5774! On Tuesday, the new Midreshet students of 5774 landed safely in Israel. Rav Eitan, Vicky, Bracha and our Madrichot Katie, Miriam and Zippy were there to greet them. After everyone got their luggage, the girls boarded the bus and we began our surprise trip ...

Who would ever think that the year would go by that fast? It's unbelievable! This past Shabbat was our last Shabbat and we all spent it together. Looking back on our year and seeing how everyone grew was truly mesmerizing. The Shabbat started off with a beautiful kabbalat Shabbat ...
This is sadly our final week before leaving our beloved home, Midreshet Moriah. What a year it has been. It seems that just last week we were getting used to sharing a hallway with 59 unknown faces; girls we now call our close friends. Well, what a week is has been.... This week Vicky ...

As the year is winding down, Midmo is making sure we end on a high note. Last Thursday, we ventured out to a Keren Kayemet forest, where we pruned trees to ensure their long-lasting survival. Through this, we were able to connect to Israel in a way that we never have before. After this ...

Hello Midreshet Moriah family! As usual, we had a very eventful week! On Monday afternoon, we all attended Masa’s final closing event for the year. There, we heard from top Israeli athletes Arik Zeevi, Karen Lebowits and Andi Ram who shared their inspiring and personal ...

We have all been counting the days (literally) and anticipating for Shavous to arrive! Spending an amazing Shavous with Rav Eitan Mayer's and Rav Yitzchak Lerner's families was such a privilege. We all had the opportunity to hear 23 (!) girls present shiurim that they prepared based ...

This week was Yom Yerushalayim. We began the celebrations Tuesday evening with a very spiritual Ma'ariv, singing praises of Hashem and Jerusalem. After Ma'ariv, Ruthie shared her childhood memories of Jerusalem before the unification; standing on the rooftop of the King ...

Goodbye Golan, Hello Lag Ba'Omer
Last Thursday in Midreshet Moriah we completed out tiyul up north. We hiked Mapal Devorah which ended with a beautiful waterfall. After ice cream, we got a quick history lesson at a Syrian bunker and heard the story of Eli Cohen as well as the capture of the Golan. We then ended our trip in ...
This week at Midreshet Moriah we heard from a kiruv speaker and left for a three day tiyul up north. Monday afternoon, Rabbi Glasser, the head of the New Jersey region for NCSY, spoke to us about how we can be involved in kiruv during our college years. It was very inspiring to know that ...

This week's Midreshet News is jam packed - beginning with Shabbat and continuing with Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut - Sarah, Yael and Rebecca have written it all down just for you so 'read more' and enjoy! After having a day dedicated to learning about ...

Welcome back everybody! As Pesach break came to a close, we returned to Midreshet for a meaningful program for Yom HaShoah. Sunday night, Rav Ahron Wexler and Leora Bednarsh led a discussion group after we watched the movie "God on Trial." The movie was about an alleged group in one ...

We had a busy week preparing for Pesach and getting ready for Poland. Last Wednesday night, we participated in a mock seder were there were five different sessions, each representing a different aspect of pesach. There was the shevat haminim led by Bracha Krohn, the Korban Pesach led by ...
It has been another great week at Midreshet Moriah. Even before the week started, we had the privilege to participate in the Jerusalem Marathon. Many girls had the opportunity to run either the 10km or half marathon for all types of organizations. We all ran with so much pride, as we were ...
This week at Midreshet we celebrated Purim and Shushan Purim. The celebrations began on Sunday as we headed off to the Gush to 'bar-hop' at different teachers houses. Each teacher's house had a different food bar; Salad bar at Leora's, Potato bar at Bracha's and an ...

This week at Midreshet, we began to get a glimpse of the amazing Adar atmosphere - both the fun and the spiritual side. Our staff was greeted first thing Tuesday morning to the annual "Midmo Adar prank." This year, we chose a Yerushalayim theme and spent late ...

The Land and it's fruits - Tu B'shvat at Midreshet
This past Wednesday morning we all had the unique opportunity to participate in a Tu B'Shvat Seder lead by Rav Shvat. We ate the seven designated fruits of the Land of Israel. Each fruit had significant holiness pertaining to the land. On Thursday morning, bright and early, we ...

Adar is here and so is....COLOR WAR!
After a great Shabbat Babayit, we ended Shabbos with a bang… It was color war!!!! The madrichot ran into the Beit Midrash and threw purple and blue shirts everywhere, with papers listing the teams. There were two teams, Beit Midrash (purple) and Beit Knesset (blue). The captains of the ...

Midreshet went on amazing hike to Nachal Og near Yam Hamelach. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, perfect for hiking. The sun was shining and gorgeously reflecting off the pools of water. WHAT! Water in the desert? Yes! Miracles right before our eyes! It was a ...
Monday night, after endless preparation and much effort, Shana Bet's comedy night to raise money for Jobkatif (an organization to help former Gush Katif residents find jobs and begin new businesses) was an amazing success! Close to 200 people from all over the community came to hear a ...
What a week! Tiyulim, parties, and SUFGANIYOUT! Sufganiyout at Rav Tellers house, sufganiyot at our Rakezet's, free famous URI's (pizza) sufganiya from Talk n' save and load's of mini ones Thursday morning in the office from 'English Cake'
On Wednesday night we headed to Chaverei Masada, in the Masada area, for a night tiyul. We hiked in the moonlight with colorful glow sticks to lead our way. We even learned how to navigate by finding the North Star! We ended our hike with smores making and corn and potatoes cooked over the ...
In honor of Thanksgiving, Dara Zukerman and Kayla Krok, recruited all the students (yes, Canadian and English as well) to prepare a school wide thanksgiving meal. Together they created a wonderful, abundant, delicious meal: sweet potato pie, various salads, mashed potatoes, and of course ...
Last Wednesday evening was our ethnic evening. We experienced a culture shock as a Yehudit, a Yemenite woman, joined us and together we created a traditional Yemenite Henna (pronounced “cheena”). This is a pre-marriage ceremony, celebrated by Yemenite Jews (usually a week before ...
Midreshet spent Shabbat Toldot in Tzfat. After a Friday tour of the city they visited several shuls and learned a little about the mysticism of the city. After the tour, they got a chance to go to the Tzfat shuk. Many girls stopped at the candle store to purchase ...
After an amazing Shabbat with the entire Midrasha, Shana Bet students headed out on Sunday morning with Michal Porath Zibman to the Har Herzl military cemetery right across the street. They had a shiur in the entrance to the cemetery and then went to say Tehillim at the gravesites of ...
What a week! Kapparot, water hike and an amazing shabbat!
It’s been an amazing week at Midreshet! Last Thursday night Rav Lerner brought everyone on a mini trip to do Kapparot with chickens. As expected, there were some shrieks, but that's all a part of the experience. Bright and early Friday morning we were off to Nachal Kibbutzim ...
The day we've all been waiting for has finally arrived! Yesterday at exactly 12:08pm, the new Midreshet students of 5773 landed safely in Israel. Rav Eitan, Vicky, Bracha and our amazing Madrichot were there to greet them with signs and smiles. Wishing everyone a ...
Midreshet celebrated Yom Ha'Atzmaut starting Wednesday evening at Nevei Daniel, where we participated in the yishuvs 'tekes ma'avar'. The ceremony included performances by the children of Nevei Daniel, singing, and dancing and was concluded by a joyous Tefillat ...
We're happy to be back together and begin this zman with a tiyul by our very own Zev Orenstein from the David Project. We heard a "security briefing" in Gilo, overlooking the security fence at "the green line" and then had an inspiring tour at Har HaZeitim. We ...
Thursday night, dressed up in their 'trendy trio' costumes, the girls heard an amazing Megillah reading by Vicky and Rav Berglas's' grandson, followed by a dance filled Chagigah. Kol HaKavod to Elianna Kaufman on the beautiful Dvar Torah! The night ended with an exciting ...
Midreshet girls, headed by Naomi Kahn, packaged over 300 mishloach manot packages for an organization called 'Yad LaYeled HaMeyuchad' which assists families raising children with special needs. The packages will be distributed to these families on Purim. It was an incredible group ...
Midreshet's office was transformed last Thursday by our students in to Mea Shearim in honor if Rosh Chodesh Adar. They worked all night and spared no detail as you'll see when you check out all the latest photos! Then, Adar officially began with our annual (surprise?) color war! ...
Alumnae News-New series on Megillat Ruth-Dr. Yael Ziegler
NEW VBM COURSE ON MEGILLAT RUTH The VBM (Yeshivat Har Etzion Israel Koschitzky Virtual Beit Midrash) is pleased to announce a new series on Megillat Ruth taught by Dr. Yael Ziegler of Herzog College to be launched in ...
Tu B'Shvat higiya...and the students at Midreshet are celebrating! After their first shiur on Monday morning, we called all the girls together and surprised them with a tiyul to the beautiful Jerusalem forests. On Tu B'Shvat itself, Wednesday, we planted trees in a newly ...
It's not Goodbye, It's Farewell
It's been a bittersweet week as we bid farewell to our beloved Shana Bet students; Shayna, Sarah, Danielle, Blanche, Eliana, Sophie and Aliza. On Monday we had a farewell ceremony and the girls were addressed by Rabbi Berglas, Vicky, Rav Eitan, and Leora Bednarsh. Each of the girls spoke ...
Let the festivities begin! Menorah making, Toy collection for hospitalized children, candlelighting and more. We're having a very special Chanukah at Midreshet! On Sunday night the girls had their very own menorah making in the dorm with paints, sparkles and glitter, accompanied by ...
Last Sunday night we had our annual night hike, following a trail by the light of a full moon - learning about the stars, having a kumzits in the dark and roasting smores. It was amazing! The students are requesting another one next month!!
Midreshet meets David and Goliath!
Last Thursday, Midreshet students enjoyed a Tanach Tiyul to the area near Beit Shemesh where David fought Goliath! We began by studying the perek (in our Beit Midrash) in Sefer Shmuel that describes the war with the plishtim and the salvation that David, as a young boy, brought the ...
Midreshet learns with Darkeinu
This week we began our 4th annual learning program with Midreshet Darkeinu ('Our Way'). Midreshet Darkeinu is a program based at Midreshet Lindenbaum in Jerusalem for young women who have special needs. The joint program between Midreshet Moriah and Midreshet ...
Yemen came to Midreshet last Wednesday as Midreshet girls learned all about Yemenite customs surrounding a Jewish wedding. Dressed in traditional Yemenite garb, they sang and danced for our chosen 'bride' and 'groom'. It was a celebration like no other!

Shana bet got a taste of the army life when they went on a day trip to Ramat HaGolan. They learnt about the Six Day War and all about the Golani Brigade in particular. They visited an army exhibition displaying each unit's ammunition and saw a real army exercise take ...

In anticipation of Parshat Chayyei Sarah, last Monday Midreshet Moriah visited Chevron, led by tourguide Rav Simcha Hochbaum. Rav Hochbaum, an American-born resident of Chevron, showed us many of the important sites in the ancient and holy city. We visited Tel ...

Midreshet's Awesome Eilat 5772 Tiyul!
We had an amazing three days down in Eilat! Joined by Midreshet staff and faculty, Evyatar, Rav Eitan, Ruthie, Michal, Sarah, Leora, and our Bat Sherut Tal, really made it special. The girls hiked, learned, saw awesome views, swam, did water sports, sang and danced out at sea-it was truly ...
The day we've all been waiting for has finally arrived! Yesterday at exactly 12:10pm, the new Midreshet students of 5772 landed safely in Israel. Rav Eitan, Rabbi Berglas, Vicky, Bracha and our amazing Madrichot were there to greet them with signs and smiles. After everyone got ...

The Final Countdown-getting ready for 5772
There's only one more week to go till we greet you, our new Midreshet 5772 students, at the airport! Orientation week schedule is ready and waiting for you and it's packed with outings, icebreaker activities, and Torah learning with rakazot and teachers.Can't wait to see you!

Alisa Schnitzer's Devar Torah at Preidah 5771
A “Bayyit” for LeadershipAlisa SchnitzerBanquet 5771I think we can all recall the first time that we unintentionally referred to Midreshet as "home." For me personally, it was on a Motzei Shabbos, after spending Shabbos in Chevron with a friend from a different seminary. It was early ...

Rav Eitan's Preidah Speech to Students of 5771-Torah Squared
Torah SquaredRav Eitan I came to Midreshet seven years ago as a teacher of teachers. At Yeshiva University, I had been teaching women at the Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic Studies. My students were college graduates learning full-time in a high-level program of Gemara and Halakhah. All ...

How fast the year has come to an end! It seems like only last week that we had our first Shabbat babayit whereas in reality we just had our last. Our last Shabbat was very emotional for all as we began to draw a close on what can only be described as a fantastic year. The following evening ...

We got back to basics this week with a lots of learning! Sunday began with a 'Yom Iyun' - day of study dedicated to the history of the Religous Zionist movement. We had guest speakers, video presentations, thought provoking shiurim and discussions on the people, historical events, and ideas ...

What a time to be in Israel! After an amazing Shabbat in Neve Daniel, Midreshet donned blue and white together with the entire country as we mourned our fallen soldiers and then celebrated 63 years of Israel's independence. Sunday night, the girls attended ...

We are asking everyone to please take a moment and say some Tehillim for Midreshet alumna Chaya Meira Mindel bas Chava Goldah, known to all as Meira Bresler Riemer. This is an extremely critical time and every tefillah makes a difference. Alumnae Reunions ...

Tree pruning, matza baking and more...
It was a really busy week, starting on Sunday night with our pre-Pesach Seder where the girls shared divrei Torah and songs. On Tuesday morning Midreshet Moriah set out to assist the JNF in tree pruning! We learnt that thousands of people every year plant trees in Israel, yet there is a lot of ...

What an incredible Purim at Midreshet Moriah!!!!Since Purim is celebrated on 2 different days here in Israel, the 14th of Adar in most of the country and the 15th of Adar, Shushan Purim, in Yerushalayim, our girls had the great privilege of getting the best of both worlds! Sunday morning they ...

MisheNichnas Adar Marbim B'Simcha!
Well, the statement of the Mishna certainly holds true at Midreshet! The fun started even before Rosh Chodesh with an amazing Shabbat at Midreshet. After the great Shabbaton we had in school on Chanukah, this one definitely lived up to everyone's expectations. The girls were joined by teachers ...

Midreshet opens Rosh Chodesh Adar II with Color War!
Chodesh Tov! "Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B'Simcha" and in Midreshet this means war-COLOR WAR! What a fun way to open Chodesh Adar Bet! Melachim, (Kings/Purple) and Manheegim,(Leaders/Red) are having a great time competing in Dodgeball, Musical chairs, Apache race, Torah Trivia ...

* Where do Midreshet students come from? Does Midreshet have more girls from the NY / NJ area than other seminaries? Usually, at least 50% of our students come from outside the NY/NJ area. This year, for example, 32 of our students are from outside NY/NJ (London, Manchester, Australia, ...

* Where do Midreshet students come from? Does Midreshet have more girls from the NY / NJ area than other seminaries? Usually, at least 50% of our students come from outside the NY/NJ area. This year, for example, 32 of our students are from outside NY/NJ (London, Manchester, Australia, Toronto, ...

Thursday we set off for a Tiyyul Tanach. We boarded the bus at 8:30 am and headed out to Tel Azaikah, the scene of the famous showdown between David and Goliath! We began by learning the backdrop to the story in a shiur outdoors witth our teachers,, and then we proceeded to hear explanation ...

Tuesday, 25 students of David Project class began the day at special kind of archaeological dig -sifting through the debris taken out of Solomon's Stables at Emek Zukim in Jerusalem. We found pottery, a stone from the first Bet Hamikdash, a coin from the Hashmonaim era, colored glass, metal, ...

Our final event for the week was the much anticipated Annual Midreshet Henna experience and it did not disappoint! Both students and staff had the opportunity to try traditional Yemenite dress, learn the customary songs and dances and each have the Henna stamped on their palm. This year was ...

Siur Chesed in honor of Chesed month
On Monday we set out for a siur chessed around Jerusalem. The girls had a chance to meet with different individuals, and see different institutions that perform chessed within the community. It was inspiring to hear about all the different projects that are going on, some right here in our ...

Midreshet visits the Holy City of Hevron
This week got off to an exciting start with a tiyyul to Hevron and Kfar Etzion. Sunday morning, we loaded the buses to head to the holy city of Hevron. The day started in the home of Bracha, whose family has lived in Chevron for many years. She told the girls about the struggles of first ...

Upcoming Alumni Events in England and NY!
UPCOMING ALUMNI EVENTS!!! ENGLAND- Rabbi Lerner will be giving a shiur at the home of Talya Schapira (MidMo 2007-08 )on Wednesday, October 20th at 8 pm. Her address is 23 Shirelane, Hendon. Come join for a great shiur, great shmoozing, and great refreshments!NEW YORK:Queens: Rabbi ...

Following a wonderful Sukkot, Midreshet returned to many new activities and opportunities. On Sunday, the girls were able to give back, with an optional trip to Leket Israel, an organazation that saves food from restaurants and catering halls and brings it to the poor of Israel. They also ...

Rosh Hashana and Asseret Yamei Teshuva activities
Midreshet Moriah spent a beautiful Rosh Ha-Shanah together in the historic city of Beit She'an, in the nothern region of Israel. After boarding 2 buses with lots of suitcases and lots of food for snacks, we set out for the journey up north. We stopped along the way for a lunch break on Har ...

Shabbat Ba-Bayit and the learning begins!
These are exciting times at Midreshet Moriah!The year has gotten off to a great start. The opening Shabbaton was amazing. It gave the girls a chance to get to know some of the staff and provided many opportunities for them to bond. The girls were joined by Rabbi Berglas and Vicky, the Starrs, ...

Welcome Midreshet Moriah 5771!!
Welcome Midreshet Moriah 5771! The group flight arrived Wednesday afternoon, and Shana Bet, as well as the girls who had come a day early, were at the airport to greet them. After all the luggage was pulled off the carousel (a great way to make friends!), the students made their way to the ...

Midreshet Moriah 5770 has ended, but what an amazing end!
Or year end festivities started with a final Shabbaton in Midreshet. Before we could even get to Shabbat, many girls spent their final Thursday night finishing Sefer Bereshit with Rav Eitan. Throughout the night the girls studied, noshed and even enjoyed Rav Eitan's homemade potato kugel. Those ...

We are ending our year at Midreshet with many celebrations and siyumim. Each chaburah that met weekly in the Beit Midrash used their last session to finish their learning and celebrate with a siyum party. Ailie, Rina Z. and Rena C. hosted the siyum celebrations in their homes with food for ...

This week there was a huge inter-seminary basketball competition to raise money for Camp Hasc. Eight different seminaries participated, and we are ecstatic to announce that MIDMO WON!!! Our unbelievable team made up of Tikki Miodownik, Rachel Ohayon, Esti Loboda, Ma'ayan Weissman, Aliza ...

We spent such a beautiful Shavuot here at Midreshet! After candle lighting, Michal Porath Zibman spoke about the privilege we have of being able to walk to the Kotel after learning all night and we sang songs about Yerushalayim and danced. It was a wonderful way to begin the Chag! ...

We hope you had a wonderful Shavuot, and that the memories of Shavuot at Midreshet, in Yerushalayim, remain a part of you, and you still feel connected to us as we do to you.As part of our ongoing effort to strengthen our 'kesher' with our many years of dear alumnae, weve been working a bit more ...

This Sunday was Lag B’Omer, and already Motzei Shabbat the festivities began with a medurah in the Shaarei Tzedek parking lot, led by the madrichot and Michal. We roasted marshmallows, sang and shared divrei torah until 1:00 a.m. The next morning at 12:30, after morning classes, we took part in ...

Last week the students experienced a special Yom Iyun on Religious Zionism. Monday morning began with a limud b’chavruta in the Beit Midrash. We all learned excerpts from Rav Mirsky’s essay entitled Chibat Ha’aretz, in which he recalls the condition upon which we inherited Eretz Yisrael (brit ...

It is hard to go from such a serious, emotional day to the festivity and celebration of Yom Haatzmaut and so all around Israel on Erev Yom Haatzmaut there are Tekesei Maavar- transition ceremonies to help ease into Yom Haatzmaut. We joined the community of Neve Daniel for their Tekes and enjoyed ...

Erev Yom Hazikaron, the Midreshet students gathered together with hundreds of other students, religious and not, studying this year in Israel to commemorate Yom HaZikaron, the Memorial Day for Israel's fallen soldiers. There was a tremendous sense of achdut amongst the participants of the ...

Midreshet girls had a unique and amazing experience for Yom HaShoa. Michal was able to secure tickets to the National Yom Hashoa Tekes at Yad VeShem. Other people in attendance were, the President of Israel, Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Binyamin Natanyahu, and both the Ashkenazi and Sefaradi ...

Our week got started early on Sunday morning with a special trip to the old city. We piled into taxis and all met at the kotel for Shacharit at the Kotel and a special breakfast right outside the walls of the old city. Then we were met by an old freind "Goliat" (our tour guide for the ...