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All About Shabbat

It's all about Shabbat and food this week….Last Wednesday night's Beit Midrash period was different this time. Our madrichot split us up into four groups with Rav Lerner, Rav Eitan, Malka and Michal.  As we rotated between groups, we learned with our teachers their favorite pieces on or about Shabbat. At the end of the night, we had potato kugel - yum! The Yom Iyun was getting us into the spirit of Shabbat, and it had barely begun! The next morning we continued our Yom Iyun with sessions on Netivot Shalom, meditating, 'How to Write a Dvar Torah', Zemirot and their Meanings and much more.

During lunch a group of girls had the opportunity to join Rav Lerner in the Old City to visit Rav Neventhal in his home. After asking him questions, he gave us a meaningful bracha. Before we made our way back to school for afternoon classes, we prayed Mincha at the Kotel. Later that night, we had our weekly Mishmar which was given this week by Rav Lerner. Mixing humor and Halacha he got through to the many that attended (and filled up the Beit Midrash) and we all walked away with a great lesson. By the end of the week we were definitely prepared for Shabbat.

Michal Porat Zibman shared with us the following:

"This week, the Midmo tradition of Wednesday night Kiddush, which is over a decade old, was introduced last night by Aliza Saltzburg. She gave a Dvar Torah from Chovat HaTalmidim and then shared an amazingly delicious chulent with everyone. It was a super fun addition to the energy in the Midmo Beit Midrash and there is already a long line of girls who signed up to do Kiddush in the coming weeks. Yashar Ko'ach on an incredible kick off!"

Speaking of Shabbat and Kiddushim, tomorrow we're heading out to Ein Herod for a Midmo Shabbaton with a tiyul on the way. More about that next week so stay tuned…..

Have a great Shabbat!

Deena Backman and Tsivia Ovadia, Shana Alef


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