What to Pack

As You Begin Packing...

 Sefarim:  We will be providing the following sefarim (books):

    • A Tanach
    • Peninei Halacha - Hilchot Shabbat
    • Mishnah Berurah, vol 3
    • English-Hebrew dictionary

Other sefarim can easily be purchased in Israel. We usually arrange for a bookseller to sell sefarim at Midreshet for your convenience. You may want to bring: a Siddur with English translation - for weekday and Shabbat, Selichot, Machzorim with English translation (Israel shuls usually do not have any machzorim, even Hebrew-only).

  • Clothing: The rainy season in Israel usually lasts from Sukkot to Pesach, with temperatures 30°-60° Fahrenheit. From Pesach on, days can be rather warm, evenings cool. Some suggestions (in addition to usual clothing):
  • winter coat                                                             
  • thermals
  • waterproof warm boots
  • sleeping bag (optional)
  • bed linens
  • toiletries (deodorant, contact lense solution)
  • pillow & blanket
  • weekend bag & backback
  • towels
  • blue or black maxi skirt
  • wide skirts for tiyulim
  • sunblock & suntan lotion
  • hat for sun (ESSENTIAL)
  • walking shoes or sneakers
  • water shoes (recommended)
  • skirt hangers
  • batteries
  • a laundry bag
  • earplugs
  • an eye mask
  • personal thermometer
  • water bottle with a filter
  • thermos for hot water


  • Personal Expenses: Personal expenses include transportation, snacks, laundry and cleaning, books, gifts and personal care items.  The school serves 3 meals a day except for when there are no shiurim. Although these expenses vary with each student, we estimate that $200 - $250 a month should suffice.  Please remember that the initial startup costs will be higher, since some books, kitchen supplies, and utensils, etc. must be purchased at the outset.  Please do not bring large amounts of cash, and whenever you withdraw cash, please be safe and withdraw small amounts.  Keep any cash you bring in the school safe, not in your room.
  • Laptops: We allow laptops only in dormitory rooms.  Laptops are not allowed in other areas, including the common areas of the dormitory, classrooms, office, Bet Midrash and hallways.  Laptop use outside your room interferes with everyone’s making friends with one another.  Keep in mind that using laptops for movies, TV programs and the like will take away from your ability to grow spiritually during this special year.  Think of it as a time to get a little spiritual breathing space.  Please note that our insurance does not cover laptops and we cannot take responsibility for them.
  • Please do not bring expensive things like jewelry and very expensive electronics.  We are not insured for student property.


Dress Code:

Please pack and choose clothing to wear (both in and out of school) which accords with our dress code policy. 

  • All clothing must be loose-fitting.
  • Necklines must be close to the collarbone – v-neck, scoop-neck and wide-neck shirts or sweaters are not acceptable.
  • Sleeves must cover the elbow.      
  • Skirts must reach well below the knee when standing or sitting.  Slits above the knee (front and/or back) are not permitted.
  • Shirts must cover the torso when standing, sitting and bending.
  • Pants/trousers are not permitted.
  • See-through clothes are not permitted
  • Shirts should not bear inappropriate pictures or inappropriate writing. 
  • Piercings are not permitted any place other than ears.

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Midmo Aumnae advice: (you want to read this!)  





“Long sleeve t-shirts for in-between and  thin sweatshirts"

(they are strict about dress)” 

“As tempting as it is, don’t over pack. Remember that what you bring here you have to bring home, plus more”

“Flarey skirts for tiyulim,3/4 sleeve t-shirts for tiyulim, leggings, hiking shoes or worn sneakers, TEVAs - SO useful - don't use Converse; clothing to layer, biker shorts for under skirts ”

“Don't bring shampoo and conditioner- Use the local shampoo and conditioner, because of water here...different minerals in the water"

“Don’t bring Tupperware, it’s cheap here, too”

"Long black skirts" “Warm slippers, flip flops” 

“No pasta, No ketchup, No peanut butter” 

"Just a few (3-5) Shabbat outfits - you wear the same thing all the time"

“Don’t bring clothes you’ve never worn before; you won’t start here either”

“1 fancier outfit for Yom Tov or a possible wedding”

“You're not going to the moon; anything you forgot to bring, you can get here”

"Sunglasses" Bathing suit, Sunscreen


"Gets cold – bring jacket, boots, leggings sweatshirts for class "

“Don’t bring anything that you value too much--it will get lost or ruined” 

“Only 2 sets of sheets and 3 towels”

”No High Heels”

“Lots of lens supplies-enough for the whole year” "Extra contacts and glasses"

“Don’t bring too many clothes - I didn’t listen either”

“Travel sizes of shampoos and soaps”


"Bring mousse”


"Deodorant and sanitary items for the year"


"Hot/cold cup(mug)"


“Be sure all electric things are 220V;120V with a transformer never work right”

"Extra converters – they break"




“Speakers for IPods” extra iphone chargers, portable charger!


“Iced tea,crystal lite”


"If you eat white tuna, bring it with you –packets are the best!-otherwise buy tuna here”


“Shower caddy, toothbrush holder” 


"Moisturizer, make-up, cream, nail polish – enough for the whole year” “Makeup remover pads”


”Zip-lock bags” “Good Grips peeler” safety pins


“Fabreeze, stain stick and color catcher"


“Draw string bag” "Mesh laundry bag”


Light Blanket


“Candies, snacks, splenda, anything dietetic, and microwavable - and microwave steam bags” “Oatmeal”


“Advil, cold medicine, Pepto-Bismol”


“5-subject notebooks, pens-you can also buy it here”








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