News & Events
Lag B'Omer
This Sunday was Lag B’Omer, and already Motzei Shabbat the festivities began with a medurah in the Shaarei Tzedek parking lot, led by the madrichot and Michal. We roasted marshmallows, sang and shared divrei torah until 1:00 a.m. The next morning at 12:30, after morning classes, we took part in the first-ever MidMo Iron Chef Competition. Each rakezet-group was responsible for creating a meal containing pasta with sauce, salad with dressing, BBQ–ed hamburgers and hotdogs, and homemade pita. We were given all ingredients and pots and even little grills! We started a medurah in the parking lot (again!) for our tamboon to make pitas. We ate with pride and gusto!