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Parshat Pekudei

By: Mrs. Rina Zinkin

It would seem that the parshiyot of Vayakhel and Pekudei merely repeat the parshiyot of Terumah and Tetzaveh – and that, at great length! The 122 pesukim of Vayakhel seem to repeat the details of the klei hamikdash from Parshat Terumah, while the 92 pesukim of Pekudei seem to repeat the details of the bigdei kehunah from Parshat Tetzaveh. What is to be learned from this apparent repetition? (See Ramban 35:8, Rabeinu Bachya 35:1, and Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh 36:11, who all offer a similar answer to this question.)


Rav Avrohom Pam explains that there is a basic and fundamental difference between the parshiyot of Terumah-Tetzaveh and Vayakhel-Pekudei. In Terumah-Tetzaveh, the word "ve-asita" (“you shall make”) is used repeatedly to introduce Hashem's instructions on how to make the klei hamikdash and bigdei kehuna. In Vayakhel-Pekudei, the operative  term is "va-ya'as" (“he made”). "Va-ya'as" is continually used to describe the fact that Moshe completed the Mishkan, its keilim and the bigdei kehuna.


Every single detail, nuance, and fine measurement which was instructed to Moshe Rabeinu with a "ve-asita" was accomplished – "va'ya'as." And it was all done exactly the way that was prescribed by Hakadosh Baruch Hu. The chidush here, says Rav Pam, is that the planning became a reality; the "v'asita" became a "va-ya'as."


Often, we set out to accomplish bold, impressive goals – think back to the  – think back to the Yamim Nora’im early this year – and yet, we fall short in seeing those goals realized. On Yom Kippur, we were all inspired to improve ourselves and make real changes in our Avodas Hashem (service to God). We resolved in our hearts to spend more time learning Torah, to improve our bein adam la-chaveiro, and to daven with more kavanah. And we meant it! And yet, at this point in the year, many of us find that the inspiration has waned, and the kabalos are long forgotten.


We must all stop and ask ourselves the very difficult and probing question – how much of our "ve-asita" this year has translated into a "va-ya'as"?  And if we're not satisfied with our answers, let us take the opportunity now to re-commit ourselves to this awesome task – transforming the "ve-asita" into a "va-ya'as."


This is the profound and eternal lesson, says Rav Pam, that justifies the repetition of our two parshiyot, Vayakhel and Pekudei. When we read about the "va-ya'as" of the mishkan this upcoming Shabbat, let us aspire to build our own personal mishkan me'at. Let us remember the inspiration and motivation with which we started and work to fulfill our dreams and goals intact and unblemished!




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